If you are a smoker who want to quit smoking or know someone who wants to quit, here are some tips to get you started and to help you reach your goal. Statistics shows that 70% of smokers wants to quit, but for most smokers the thought of going in a long term withdrawal symptoms is enough reason not to quit.

Quitting is like getting addicted in reverse, so it's important to know the nicotine addiction process. Scientists used to think that smoke addiction was a long term process taking up to a year. But they have discovered that the addiction b
egins with the first puff, when the nicotine enters the brain.

Nicotine is an alkaloid found in the nightshade family of plants (Solanaceae) which constitutes approximately 0.6-3.0% of dry weight of tobacco, with biosynthesis taking place in the roots and accumulating in the leaves. It functions as an antiherbivore chemical with particular specificity to insects; therefore nicotine was widely used as an insecticide in the past.

In low concentrations (an average cigarette yields about 1 mg of absorbed nicotine), the substance acts as a stimulant in mammals and is one of the main factors responsible fo the dependence-forming properties of tobacco smoking. It stimulates th
e release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, taking over the rewards pathways which are part of the area of the brain that rewards good and useful behavior with a feeling of pleasure. Because of this the brain learns that the intake of nicotine is good and remembers the sensation of smoking as pleasant. It would take less than 100 hours from the last time you smoke to clear one person blood of nicotine, but only when the brain changes are undone would a smoker be free from the physical addiction to nicotine. This is a gradual process and much is done in two to three weeks or so.

Determination is needed when you are quitting, lacking it would surely ends to failure. Before you even quit be determine to do so, for a lot of times you would be tempted to reach for a stick. But if you really are determined to quit you would find the strength to say "no" every time you crave for a puff.

Never wait for you to feel anything abnormal about your body before you quit, a lot of smokers says
that it's their body and they would only quit when they feel that there is something bad. But if your would do so, by the time you feel something wrong or abnormal with your body it might be to late.


Instead of thinking of a good reason not to quit, your should think of a good reason for you not to smoke another stick again. There are a lot of good reasons why a person should quit smoking, one good reason would be health reasons, not only of your health but of the people whom you love. Keep these reason in your mind to strengthen your will of quitting, and remember them every time your feel the urge to smoke.

Quitting could be so hard, having loved ones help a smoker make it, would be a big help. Also families and friends of a smoker who's quitting the habit should always be patient and supportive, they should keep in mind that a person quitting could be irritable and could have mood swings for a matter of a week or two. Also family members and friends who smoke, should refrain from smoking around the person who is trying to quit to keep him from getting tempted.

Because your mind and body have been used to the physical act of smoking, it is often helpful to have a number of items to substitute in their place. Toothpicks, Lollipops, carrot or celery sticks, chewing gum, Mints and Coffee Stirrers are some of the items one could use to help with the physical cravings of wanting a cigarette.

Never think of never smoking forever, thinking of stopping for a short term and doing so could help a smoker quit the habit. For one of the reason that makes it hard for a smoker to quit is thinking of not smoking for a long period of time, you should only think and accomplish not smoking for today then when tomorrow comes do the same thing until you got used of doing it everyday.

Working o
ut would be great for your body, your health and your general well-being, exercise can also be a great diversion from smoking. It doesn't necessarily mean joining a gym and working out 5 hours a day, small exercise can help you overcome those sudden cravings that come out of nowhere. And on top of that exercise can also do wonders to improve your overall mood and outlook.

We already know that nicotine stimulating the rewards pathways of our brain and giving us a feeling of pleasure is the one that gets a smoker hooked, rewarding yourself would also trigger this feeling of pleasure. Give yourself a reward every time you did not give in to temptation of smoking or if you have avoided smoking for one who
le day.

Breaking the ha
bit of smoking maybe a hard task but it's not impossible, it only need to start from within you and with little steps. Remember its more fun to live for a longer time than to die slowly and painfully. So don't be a LOOSER... be a QUITTER

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